Alpha Testing:

Alpha testing is done by client side people in development environment..

Testing a software product which is not the final version.This software does not have to necessarily contain the full functionality required for an application, however core functionality to accept input an generate output is required.

Beta Testing:
Beta Testing is done by client side people in real time environment....

Beta Testing is last stage of testing where a product is sent outside the company or offer the product for free trial download.

Unit test case will be based on program design or logical flow of Login that will be written by Developer only. It is related to internal structure.Integration test case will include the TC for linking of 2 module.

On login screen user will user name & pwd. Click on Submit or confirming object so that i/p will get validate into database. So, First integrate chk will be DB connectivity is correct or not. & it recognizing the user name & pwd for comaparision. & Overall o/p will be Login should be successful & Main Screen should be open up.In system-functional testing, Tester will write the test case based on validation of fields & all combination of positive & -ve data. (Valid & Invalid testing)At acceptance level....User will check only for valid & Invalid entry.Test case format changes as per company.

Unit Testing
The main objective of Unit testing is to test each and every function.Generally unit test is done by developer.It is conducted before integration testing.

The application is divided into different modules as units and testing is performed on each single module.

Integration Testing
Testing of combined parts of an application to determine,if they function together correctly.

Integration testing is the testing of combined parts of an application to determine if they function together correctly.

System Testing
Testing that attempts to discover defects that are properties of entire system.

System testing is Black-box type of testing that is based on overall requirements specifications. It covers all combined parts of the system.

Black Box Testing:- Testing of functionality of software .It does not need knowledge of coding.It is also called as Behavioral testing/opaque box testing.

White Box testing:-Testing of internal structure of software.It require knowlege of coding.It is also called as structral /glass box testing.

Smoke Testing is initial level testing to check whether complete functionality is available or not.It is done at build level.
Sanity Testing is initial level testing to check whether application behaviour is proper or not. It is done at system level.

Conceptually both r same.Perceptionally they r different.
In both the testings we check for the availability for the entire application.

Smoke Testing - we just whether the entire application is present or not.
Sanity Testing - We check for whether the entire application available is proper or not.

Smoke test: Smoke test is done on Builds (.exe file) to check whether Overall Functionalities is working or not....
Sanity test: Sanity test is done to check whether the application is build on client requirements or not ...

Note:If 60 % of Functionality are not working we have to stop testing.

Walk through is unformal review or meeting whereas inspection is formal review or meeting.

Walkthrough is there for both Testing and Coding.

  • Walkthrough for Testing means brief review of documents, Test cases, Test script etc.
  • Walkthrough for Coding means review the coding for whether the Developer follows the Coding standards or not.

Inspection is job of Quality Control (QC). He can conduct Inspections and Audits on the project at any time to check whether the process is going on correctly or not.

Test Efficiency:

a. Test efficiency = Internal in the organization how much resources were consumed, how much of these resources were utilized.

b. Number of test cases executed divided by unit of time (generally per hour).

c. Test efficiency = (Total number of defects found in unit + integration + system) / (Total number of defects found in unit + integration + system + User acceptance testing)

d. Test Efficiency: Test the amount of code and testing resources required by a program to perform a function.

e. Testing Efficiency = (No. of defects Resolved / Total No. of Defects Submitted) * 100.

f. Test Efficiency is the rate of bugs found by the tester to the total bugs found.

When the build is sent to the customer side people for the testing (Alpha and Beta Testing), the customer side people also find some bugs.

Test Efficiency = A/(A+B)
Here A= Number of bugs found by the tester

B= Number of bugs found by the customer side people
This test efficiency should always be greater than 90%

Test Effectiveness:

a. Test effectiveness = How much the customer's requirements are satisfied by the system, how well the customer specifications are achieved by the system, how much effort is put in developing the system.

b. Number of defects found divided by number of test cases executed.

c. Test effectiveness = (Total number of defects injected + Total number of defect found) / (Total number of defect escaped)* 100.

d. Test Effectiveness: It judge the Effect of the test environment on the application.

e. Test Effectiveness = Loss due to problems / Total resources processed by the system.

Re-Testing - Retesting is the process of testing an application after fixing the bugs.

Regression - Regression testing is the process of reexecuting the application whether it affects the other parts of application

Retesting and Regression Testing are slightly different in the sense....they are to be executed on different test cases...

E.g. If there are 1000 test cases to be executed in the first build....And of the 1000 test cases, 100 fail and 900 pass....
Then after bug fixes and when the 2nd build is received, REGRESSION Testing has to be done on the 900 test cases and the remaining 100 test cases are to be RETESTED.