Why API Testing?
Before dwelling into the subject of API Testing, we should understand what is the meaning of API or, Application Programming Interface. An API (Application Programming Interface) is a collection of software functions and procedures, called API calls that can be executed by other software applications. API testing is mostly used for the system which has collection of API that needs to be tested. The system could be system software, application software or libraries. API testing is different from other testing types as GUI is rarely involved in API Testing. Even if GUI is not involved in API testing, you still need to setup initial environment, invoke API with required set of parameters and then finally analyze the result. Setting initial environment become complex because GUI is not involved. It is very easy to setup initial condition in GUI, in most cases you can find out in a glance whether system is ready or not. In case of API this is not the case; you need to have some way to make sure that system is ready for testing. Initial condition in API testing also involves creating conditions under which API will be called. Probably, API can be called directly or it can be called because of some event or in response of some exception.
Output of API could be some data or status or it can just wait for some other call to complete in a-synchronized environment. Most of the test cases of API will be based on the output, if API
Return value based on input condition
This are relatively simple to test as input can be defined and results can be validated against expected return value. For example, It is very easy to write test cases for int add (int a, int b) kind of API. You can pass different combinations of int a and int b and can validate these against known results.
Does not return anything
For cases like these you will probably have some mechanism to check behaviour of API on the system. For example, if you need to write test cases for delete (List Element) function you will probably validate size of
Trigger some other API/event/interrupt
If API is triggering some event or raising some interrupt, then you need to listen for those events and interrupt listener. Your test suite should call appropriate API and asserts should be on the interrupts and listener.
Update Data Structure
This category is also similar to the API category which does not return anything. Updating data structure will have some effect on the system and that should be validated. If you have other means of accessing the data structure, it should be used to validate that data structure is updated.
Modify certain resources
If API call is modifying some resources, for example updating some database, changing registry, killing some process etc, then it should be validated by accessing those resources.
You should not get confused with API Testing and Unit Testing. API testing is not Unit testing. Unit testing is owned by dev team and API by QE team. API is mostly black box testing where as unit testing essentially white box is testing. Unit test Cases are typically designed by the developers and there scope is limited to the unit under test. In API testing, test cases are designed by the QE team and there scope is not limited to any specific unit, but it normally covers complete system.
Main Challenges of API Testing can be divided into following categories.
  • Parameter Selection
  • Parameter combination
  • Call sequencing

Who decides the price of an issue?
Indian primary market ushered in an era of free pricing in 1992. Following
this, the guidelines have provided that the issuer in consultation with
Merchant Banker shall decide the price. There is no price formula stipulated
by SEBI. SEBI does not play any role in price fixation. The company and
merchant banker are however required to give full disclosures of the
parameters which they had considered while deciding the issue price. There
are two types of issues, one where company and Lead Merchant Banker fix a
price (called fixed price) and other, where the company and the Lead
Manager (LM) stipulate a floor price or a price band and leave it to market
forces to determine the final price (price discovery through book building

What is an Initial Public Offer (IPO)?
An Initial Public Offer (IPO) is the selling of securities to the public in the
primary market. It is when an unlisted company makes either a fresh issue
of securities or an offer for sale of its existing securities or both for the first
time to the public. This paves way for listing and trading of the issuer’s
securities. The sale of securities can be either through book building or
through normal public issue.

What is the difference between public issue and private placement?
When an issue is not made to only a select set of people but is open to the
general public and any other investor at large, it is a public issue. But if the
issue is made to a select set of people, it is called private placement. As per
Companies Act, 1956, an issue becomes public if it results in allotment to 50
persons or more. This means an issue can be privately placed where an
allotment is made to less than 50 persons.

What are the different kinds of issues?
Primarily, issues can be classified as a Public, Rights or Preferential issues
(also known as private placements). While public and rights issues involve a
detailed procedure, private placements or preferential issues are relatively
simpler. The classification of issues is illustrated below:
Initial Public Offering (IPO
fresh issue of securities or an offer for sale of its existing securities or both
for the first time to the public. This paves way for listing and trading of the
issuer’s securities.
) is when an unlisted company makes either a
A follow on public offering (Further Issue)
company makes either a fresh issue of securities to the public or an offer for
sale to the public, through an offer document.
is when an already listed
Rights Issue
securities to its existing shareholders as on a record date. The rights are
normally offered in a particular ratio to the number of securities held prior to
the issue. This route is best suited for companies who would like to raise
capital without diluting stake of its existing shareholders.
is when a listed company which proposes to issue fresh
A Preferential issue
listed companies to a select group of persons under Section 81 of the
Companies Act, 1956 which is neither a rights issue nor a public issue. This
is a faster way for a company to raise equity capital. The issuer company
has to comply with the Companies Act and the requirements contained in
is an issue of shares or of convertible securities by
the Chapter pertaining to preferential allotment in SEBI guidelines which
inter-alia include pricing, disclosures in notice etc.

Why do companies need to issue shares to the public?
Most companies are usually started privately by their promoter(s). However,
the promoters’ capital and the borrowings from banks and financial
institutions may not be sufficient for setting up or running the business over
a long term. So companies invite the public to contribute towards the equity
and issue shares to individual investors. The way to invite share capital from
the public is through a
to the public to subscribe to the share capital of a company. Once this is
done, the company allots shares to the applicants as per the prescribed
rules and regulations laid down by SEBI.
‘Public Issue’. Simply stated, a public issue is an offer

What is meant by Face Value of a share/debenture?
The nominal or stated amount (in Rs.) assigned to a security by the issuer.
For shares, it is the original cost of the stock shown on the certificate; for
bonds, it is the amount paid to the holder at maturity. Also known as par
value or simply par. For an equity share, the face value is usually a very
small amount (Rs. 5, Rs. 10) and does not have much bearing on the price
of the share, which may quote higher in the market, at Rs. 100 or Rs. 1000
or any other price. For a debt security, face value is the amount repaid to
the investor when the bond matures (usually, Government securities and
corporate bonds have a face value of Rs. 100). The price at which the
security trades depends on the fluctuations in the interest rates in the

What is the role of the ‘Primary Market’?
The primary market provides the channel for sale of new securities. Primary
market provides opportunity to issuers of securities; Government as well as
corporates, to raise resources to meet their requirements of investment
and/or discharge some obligation.
They may issue the securities at face value, or at a discount/premium and
these securities may take a variety of forms such as equity, debt etc. They
may issue the securities in domestic market and/or international market.

What is SEBI and what is its role?
The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) is the regulatory
authority in India established under Section 3 of SEBI Act, 1992. SEBI Act,
1992 provides for establishment of Securities and Exchange Board of India
(SEBI) with statutory powers for (a) protecting the interests of investors in
securities (b) promoting the development of the securities market and (c)
regulating the securities market. Its regulatory jurisdiction extends over
corporates in the issuance of capital and transfer of securities, in addition to
all intermedia ries and persons associated with securities market. SEBI has
been obligated to perform the aforesaid functions by such measures as it
thinks fit. In particular, it has powers for:
Regulating the business in stock exchanges and any other securities
Registering and regulating the working of stock brokers, sub–brokers
Promoting and regulating self-regulatory organizations
Prohibiting fraudulent and unfair trade practices
inquiries and audits of the stock exchanges, intermediaries, self –
regulatory organizations, mutual funds and other persons associated
with the securities market.
Calling for information from, undertaking inspection, conducting

Which are the securities one can invest in?
Government Securities
Derivative products
securities market can invest in.
Units of Mutual Funds etc., are some of the securities investors in the

What is the function of Securities Market?
Securities Markets is a place where buyers and sellers of securities can enter
into transactions to purchase and sell shares, bonds, debentures etc.
Further, it performs an important role of enabling corporates, entrepreneurs
to raise resources for their companies and business ventures through public
issues. Transfer of resources from those having idle resources (investors) to
others who have a need for them (corporates) is most efficiently achieved
through the securities market. Stated formally, securities markets provide
channels for reallocation of savings to investments and entrepreneurship.
Savings are linked to investments by a variety of intermediaries, through a
range of financial products, called ‘Securities’.

What is meant by ‘Securities’?
The definition of ‘Securities’ as per the Securities Contracts Regulation Act
(SCRA), 1956, includes instruments such as shares, bonds, scrips, stocks or
other marketable securities of similar nature in or of any incorporate
company or body corporate, government securities, derivatives of securities,
units of collective investment scheme, interest and rights in securities,
security receipt or any other instruments so declared by the Central

What is a Mutual Fund?
A Mutual Fund is a body corporate registered with SEBI (Securities Exchange
Board of India) that pools money from individuals/corporate investors and
invests the same in a variety of different financial instruments or securities
such as equity shares, Government securities, Bonds, debentures etc.
Mutual funds can thus be considered as financial intermediaries in the
investment business that collect funds from the public and invest on behalf
of the investors. Mutual funds issue units to the investors. The appreciation
of the portfolio or securities in which the mutual fund has invested the
money leads to an appreciation in the value of the units held by investors.
The investment objectives outlined by a Mutual Fund in its prospectus are
binding on the Mutual Fund scheme. The investment objectives specify the
class of securities a Mutual Fund can invest in. Mutual Funds invest in
various asset classes like equity, bonds, debentures, commercial paper and
government securities. The schemes offered by mutual funds vary from fund
to fund. Some are pure equity schemes; others are a mix of equity and
bonds. Investors are also given the option of getting dividends, which are
declared periodically by the mutual fund, or to participate only in the capital
appreciation of the scheme.

What is a Derivative?
Derivative is a product whose value is derived from the value of one or more
basic variables, called underlying. The underlying asset can be equity, index,
foreign exchange (forex), commodity or any other asset.
Derivative products initially emerged as hedging devices against fluctuations
in commodity prices and commodity-linked derivatives remained the sole
form of such products for almost three hundred years. The financial
derivatives came into spotlight in post-1970 period due to growing instability
in the financial markets. However, since their emergence, these products
have become very popular and by 1990s, they accounted for about twothirds
of total transactions in derivative products.

What is a Derivative?
Derivative is a product whose value is derived from the value of one or more
basic variables, called underlying. The underlying asset can be equity, index,
foreign exchange (forex), commodity or any other asset.
Derivative products initially emerged as hedging devices against fluctuations
in commodity prices and commodity-linked derivatives remained the sole
form of such products for almost three hundred years. The financial
derivatives came into spotlight in post-1970 period due to growing instability
in the financial markets. However, since their emergence, these products
have become very popular and by 1990s, they accounted for about twothirds
of total transactions in derivative products.

What is a ‘Debt Instrument’?
Debt instrument represents a contract whereby one party lends money to
another on pre-determined terms with regards to rate and periodicity of
interest, repayment of principal amount by the borrower to the lender.
In the Indian securities markets, the term ‘
instruments issued by the Central and State governments and public sector
organizations and the term ‘
private corporate sector.
bond’ is used for debtdebenture’ is used for instruments issued by

What is an ‘Equity’/Share?
Total equity capital of a company is divided into equal units of small
denominations, each called a share. For example, in a company the total
equity capital of Rs 2,00,00,000 is divided into 20,00,000 units of Rs 10
each. Each such unit of Rs 10 is called a Share. Thus, the company then is
said to have 20,00,000 equity shares of Rs 10 each. The holders of such
shares are members of the company and have voting rights.

What are various Long-term financial options available for
Post Office Savings Schemes, Public Provident Fund, Company Fixed
Deposits, Bonds and Debentures, Mutual Funds etc.
Post Office Savings:
risk saving instrument, which can be availed through any post office.
It provides an interest rate of 8% per annum, which is paid monthly.
Minimum amount, which can be invested, is Rs. 1,000/- and
additional investment in multiples of 1,000/-. Maximum
amount is Rs. 3,00,000/- (if Single) or Rs. 6,00,000/- (if held
Jointly) during a year. It has a maturity period of 6 years. Premature
withdrawal is permitted if deposit is more than one year old. A
deduction of 5% is levied from the principal amount if withdrawn
Post Office Monthly Income Scheme is a low
Public Provident Fund:
maturity of 15 years and interest payable at 8% per annum
compounded annually. A PPF account can be opened through a
nationalized bank at anytime during the year and is open all through
the year for depositing money. Tax benefits can be availed for the
amount invested and interest accrued is tax-free. A withdrawal is
permissible every year from the seventh financial year of the date of
opening of the account and the amount of withdrawal will be limited
to 50% of the balance at credit at the end of the 4th year
immediately preceding the year in which the amount is withdrawn or
at the end of the preceding year whichever is lower the amount of
loan if any.
A long term savings instrument with a
Company Fixed Deposits:
medium-term (three to five years) borrowings by companies at a
fixed rate of interest which is payable monthly, quarterly, semiannually
or annually. They can also be cumulative fixed deposits
These are short-term (six months) to
where the entire principal alongwith the interest is paid at the end of
the loan period. The rate of interest varies between 6-9% per annum
for company FDs. The interest received is after deduction of taxes.
more than one year with the purpose of raising capital. The central or
state government, corporations and similar institutions sell bonds. A
bond is generally a promise to repay the principal along with a fixed
rate of interest on a specified date, called
It is a fixed income (debt) instrument issued for a period ofthe Maturity Date.
Mutual Funds:
which raises money from the public and invests in a group of assets
(shares, debentures etc.), in accordance with a stated set of
objectives. It is a substitute for those who are unable to invest
directly in equities or debt because of resource, time or knowledge
constraints. Benefits include professional money management,
buying in small amounts and diversification. Mutual fund units are
issued and redeemed by the
the fund's net asset value (NAV), which is determined at the end of
each trading session. NAV is calculated as the value of all the shares
held by the fund, minus expenses, divided by the number of units
issued. Mutual Funds are usually long term investment vehicle
though there some categories of mutual funds, such as money
market mutual funds which are short term instruments.
These are funds operated by an investment companyFund Management Company based on

What are various Short-term financial options available for
Broadly speaking, savings bank account, money market/liquid funds and
fixed deposits with banks may be considered as short-term financial
investment options:
Savings Bank Account
use, which offers low interest (4%-5% p.a.), making them only
marginally better than fixed deposits.
is often the first banking product people
Money Market or Liquid Funds
funds that invest in extremely short-term fixed income instruments
and thereby provide easy liquidity. Unlike most mutual funds, money
market funds are primarily oriented towards protecting your capital
and then, aim to maximise returns. Money market funds usually yield
are a specialized form of mutual
better returns than savings accounts, but lower than bank fixed
Fixed Deposits with Banks
and minimum investment period for bank FDs is 30 days. Fixed
Deposits with banks are for investors with low risk appetite, and may
be considered for 6-12 months investment period as normally
interest on less than 6 months bank FDs is likely to be lower than
money market fund returns.
are also referred to as term deposits

What are various options available for investment?
One may invest in:
Physical assets like real estate, gold/jewellery, commodities etc.
instrume nts with post offices, insurance/provident/pension fund etc.
or securities market related instruments like shares, bonds,
debentures etc
Financial assets such as fixed deposits with banks, small saving

What care should one take while investing?
Before making any investment, one must ensure to:
1. obtain written documents explaining the investment
2. read and understand such documents
3. verify the legitimacy of the investment
4. find out the costs and benefits associated with the investment
5. assess the risk-return profile of the investment
6. know the liquidity and safety aspects of the investment
7. ascertain if it is appropriate for your specific goals
8. compare these details with other investment opportunities available
9. examine if it fits in with other investments you are considering or you
have already made
10. deal only through an authorised intermediary
11. seek all clarifications about the intermediary and the investment
12. explore the options available to you if something were to go wrong,
and then, if satisfied, make the investment.
These are called the
Twelve Important Steps to Investing.

What is Investment?
The money you earn is partly spent and the rest saved for meeting future
expenses. Instead of keeping the savings idle you may like to use savings in
order to get return on it in the future. This is called Investment.