Role of Tester in SDLC cycle
1. Requirement stage - PM,Tech.Lead, Testlead will review the document
2. Design Stage - PM or Test lease will review the document
3. Coding Stage - Testlead will prepare Testplan, Tester will prepare testcases
4. Testing Stage - Tester will execute the test
SDLC (Software Development Life cycle)
1. Requirement
2. Design
3. Coding
4. Testing
5. Implement
6. Maintainance
STLC (Software Testing Life cycle)
1. Test Plan Preparation: Defines overall testing approach based on Project Summary Document and SRS document.
2. Test Case Design: Defines what is to be tested and describes the expected results.
3. Test Execution: Execute the test cases as per Manual or Automation based on client requirement and software stability.
4. Test Log Preparation: Defines the pass and Fail information
5. Defect Reporting: Log the Bug in Bug Tracker like Bugzilla and PVCS Tracker.
6. Defect Tracking : Monitor the Bug Status.
Recovery testing - testing how well a system recovers from crashes, hardware failures, or other catastrophic problems.
Realization testing is possible in each and every phase mentioned below:(Either it may be verification or validation)
- programming or coding the software
- customizing and configuring the package or the programs
- writing the documentations
- performing the internal tests
Verification all the documents produced during development, and on plans.
i/p for verification:
1 Checklists
2. Issue lists
3.Walk throughs
4. Inspections
5. Reviews and Meetings
Validation is actual testing
i/p for validation:
1. Test Cases based on user requirements.
2. Test Data etc.
Testing is Quality Control
Quality Control-Measure the Quality Of Products
Detection action
Quality Assurance-Measure the Quality of Process.
Prevention action
Quality Control (Testing) : A process of executing the system intending to find defects.
Quality Assurance:A set of activities that are adequate to ensure that system meets its objectives
Performance Testing:
- In performance testing we test the Responce time, efficiency and processing speed.
- To test the complaince of the system.
performance testing.
Load Testing:
time we will increase the user one by one.
Example - IF 5 users are using the login page of yahoo mail at the same time the performance
is constant. If 10 users are add by the user at the same time . the performance is constant.
At last In If the users add 20 user at the same time the performance should decreased.
Stress Testing:
- Testing is done with max no of users in low disk space, low memory and low configuration.
- The execution of our application build under customer expected configuration and various
load levels from high level to low level and low level to high level to estimate load
balancing is called stress testing.
Example: An users are added to with in the specification of the limit, and cannot be added
beyond that.
Volume Testing:
- To estimate the data base in terms of records.
- We are executing the test with diffrent volume of data (eg. Number of records).
Example: If 1 user is accessing how many records are retriving. if 2 users are accessiong how many records are retriving, etc....