Q1: In which areas OAT concentrate?
Q2: CDRM stands for?
Q3: List the mitigation methods for OAT Phase?
Q4: Complete the sentence:
The Project Manager and the Test Manager are required to provide CDRM input and analyze CDRM output during the ………………………..in the project lifecycle.
Q5: List down the types of System Testing?
Q6: Which testing proves the system both controls its users' access and is secure from hacking?
Q7: Which method ensures a common understanding of requirements and processes between the Business, Operations and Development?
Q8: Which method is used to prove that the infrastructure has been designed to cope with unplanned outages?
Q9: What are the key deliverables of development lifecycle in CDRM framework?
Q10: Unit testing tests ensure the ………………………….



========= MAINTAIN FILES PATH =========

1. PHASE IV - N:\Performance Testing\\Phase 4\Load Runner Scripts\Final Scripts
2. LOAD RUNNER SCENARIOS - N:\Performance Testing\\Phase 4\Load Runner Scenario
3. EXCEL REPORTS - N:\Performance Testing\\Phase 4\Load Runner Reporting\Performance Test Report
4. TEST DATA - N:\Performance Testing\\Phase 4\Load Runner Test Data
5. RESULT FILES - N:\Performance Testing\\Phase 4\Load Runner Results File
6. PHASE V - N:\Performance Testing\\Phase 5\Load Runner Scripts
7. REPORTS - N:\Performance Testing\\Phase 5\Load Runner Reporting\Excel Result Reporting
8. SCENARIOS - N:\Performance Testing\\Phase 5\Load Runner Scenario
9. LOAD RUNNER RESULTS - N:\  Performance Testing\\Phase 5\Load Runner

Automation Framework Overview & Approach

1 Introduction
The purpose of this document is to provide a broader view of technical specification for the automation approach and then overview of the Automation Framework. It will define various functional aspects for automation approach and will also explain framework’s technical its purpose, approach, model, flow, scope and context as well as its components.
It is a technical deliverable and is produced by the Automation Engineer {Expert} and guide to the design of the automation framework. It is used by automation team even normal tester to automate test cases.

Useful Automation framework
Test Model for this project is basically divided into 4 components:
1.      Test Data: Project use excel sheet as database for test data. In test data we store different environment parameters like user details, URL etc (so that we can update them without opening scripts), test data for different iterations of testing and external parameters to verify results. Example from excel sheet:
                             URL = URL Link
                             User = Kansara
2.      Scripts: Test script which contains entire flow & logic of testing.
3.      Reports: Collection of different results for different execution.
4.      Support Scripts/Functions: Supports scripts & functions which help in maintaining scripts & flow process like managing reports, similar functions etc.

Frame work components
Target Dates
Reporting mechanism
1.       Marking test case as pass and fail in result file.
2.       setting colour in result file
WIP (Work In Progress)
Target date to complete all these is 25th of  August
Read control data from excel 
              Reading environmental data from excel file so that it can be run on different servers
Read from excel which test case to execute which or not
Error reporting 
               User friendly message needs to log as error object
Recovery mechanism
                 Functions which will bring application into base state if test fails at any point of time
To Initiate
Wrapper of different objects
                This has a very huge scope and will ongoing activity at beginning  will code some common reading and setting text boxes,
Selecting from list and combo  and verify objects in page or not
To initiate
Common functions for reading context menu data sending keys from keyboard to application which can be used across applications.
To initiate
Up to end of august
To read data elements from excel sheet  not from QTP excel sheet where ever it is feasible
To initiate
Up to end of august will try to accommodate at priority

Naming convention for QTP Scripts

Naming conventions for Scripts, variables, functions, log files, data sheets, reusable actions

Scripts naming conventions
AAA >>> Three letter application ID e.g. ARI, MCT
BBB >>> Module name e.g. Admin

Availability & Reliability Testing

Availability & Reliability Testing

Reliability Testing is to test how your system stand with the usual scenario run over the period of time say 10 days. This scenarios are basically are day in a life situations. How your system will be utilize in a day with number of users in the system all the time.

Availability can be defined in terms of High Availability and Enhanced Availability. In these testing we introduce the failure and see how the system copes with those failures and in how much time system will be back live. The important thing is about the data loss prevention can be ruled out using these scenarios.

The iPhone SDK package has some kinds of such of these testing tools

Test Strategy & Test Plan


·         Test Plan
·         Test Strategy
·         Testing Environment
o  IT Environment
o  Equipment Environment
o  Data Analysis
o  Backup Database
o  Restore Database
·         Procedures
o  Problem Identification
o   Defect Rectification
o  Re-testing
o  Sign-off testing activities

·         Sign-off Testing

Test Strategy

Project Name


Testing stage Instructions:
Identify the type of testing to be undertaken.
User Acceptance Testing

Boundary value analysis of a button

Occasionally it may be difficult to even identify looping structures, especially when designing tests from only a black box test design approach. For example, in Window Xp a known defect appeared to allow a device name (LPT1, CON, etc.) as the base file name if the extension was appended to the base filename component in the Filename edit control (I'll talk more about this defect  later.) A Windows Xp patch attempted to correct this defect; however classic boundary analysis testing easily revealed the defect was only partially fixed as illustrated in the steps below.

  1. Launch Notepad
  2. Select the File -> Save menu item.
  3. In the Filename edit control on the Save dialog enter "LPT1.txt" (without the quotes).
  4. Press the Save button
  5. Press the Yes button on the error dialog that states the file already exists and asks "Do you want to replace it?' As illustrated below,