PhD is the highest degree offered anywhere in the world (barring the highly uncommon DSc). Its focus, unlike regular degrees, is not learning existing knowledge but creating new knowledge. No wonder, PhD is desired by anyone wishing to `make a mark' - the brightest seek it as it allows challenges that no other degree does; the innovative desire it as it allows the possibility to innovate and create new knowledge and technologies; the ambitious seek it as it is the top of the academic ladder; and the persistent seek it as this is the one degree where persistence and self discipline are brought to full use.
Despite the romance of doing a PhD, there seems to be some `fear' frequently in the youth about pursuing a PhD - prospective students are sometimes scared because they think it is ``too difficult and they will not be able to do it'', or because ``it takes too much time'', or perhaps just because ``PhD means that you have to be a teacher and I don't want to be a teacher''. All of these reasons/fears are actually false. This note discusses some of these issues in an attempt to clarify the situation for prospective candidates.