Release Management

Release Management considerations

One of the major risks in testing is not having a proper Release Management Procedure. The same program is modified by two people at the same time, and only one modification gets into production. It is important to put in place a proper release management process.
“Prior to any testing being undertaken, a complete and documented Release Management facility must be in place.

The Release Management facility will take a similar form to the following:

·         There must be specified areas designated as “Release areas” and identified by Release Dates available for storage of accepted software.
·         All software (modified and new) will be implemented into the production or test environment only after being accepted by the business users, and on a scheduled release date.
·         The published implementation schedule (dates) will be generated and controlled by the business users in consultation with the Version Control Committee.
·         No software will be implemented into the production environment outside the published implementation schedule
·         A complete list of software that is to be implemented on a scheduled release date will be released and published to all business users three days prior to implementation.
·         A release will be designated “frozen” and no other software will be allowed to be moved into this frozen release within one day of the released date. Any further new or modified software will be scheduled for the next release date.”