QTP Certification Practice Questions - Set 7

61) You can use the Keyword View to add a step ..........in your test.

A) at the end
B) below the currently selected step
C) at the beginning
D) at anypoint

62) The Documentation cell is .............

A) Read-only
B) Write-only
C) Read and Write
D) Read, write & execute

63) An Item column can be any of the following:

A) A test object
B) A statement like Dim
C) A step generated by step generator
D) All of above

64) The Operation cell in the keyword view specifies the operation to be
performed on the item listed in the ........... column.

A) Operation
B) Documentation
C) Item
D) Value

65) Even if the Item column in the Keyword View is displayed to the
right of the Operation column, you must still first select an item to
view the list of available operations in the Operation column.

A) True
B) False

66) The Value cell in the keyword view can contain........ value

A) Constant
B) Parameter
C) Both A) & B)
D) None of these

67)The ............... enables you to encode your passwords and place
secure values into the Data Table.

A) Password Encoder
B) Password Decoder
C) Password Encode
D) Password Decode

68) You can also encrypt strings in Data Table cells using the .........
option in the Data Table menu.

A) Decrypt
B) Encrypt
C) Encrypt Code
D) Decrypt Code

69) In addition to adding standard statement steps to your test using
the Keyword View, you can also insert

A) Checkpoint step
B) Output value step
C) Comment step
D) All of above

70) The correct syntax of the condition a statement starting with Do is.....

A) Do...While
B) Do...Until
C) Do...Next
D) Both A) and B)