Web sites can be classified into two major categories; static and dynamic.

Static Web sites
Web sites on the Internet providing you with nothing more than just information presented on HTML (।htm or ।html) Web pages with navigation are usually static sites. This is because the technology that they are based on is static. Such Web sites have a set of Web pages that contain all the content and the content structure predefined into them by the designers. The content of these Web sites cannot be changed, customized or personalized by the visitors of the Web site. Such Web sites don’t utilize no database or any other such technology that dynamically builds up their pages or content at runtime based on their visitor’s input or their preferences.

Dynamic Web sites

Web sites that provide its visitors the ability to modify content based on their input are dynamic Web sites। You would have seen several examples of such Web sites on the Internet. Online shopping stores, search engines, email, chat and community portals, etc. are all examples or dynamic Web sites that allow you to save your profiles, customize the appearance of your account, alter default settings based on your preferences and a lot more.