Keyword Driven Framework
It's an application independent Automation Framework
This Framework will have following components:
1) Data tables /Excel Sheets containing Keywords, Object Names and Object Values. This is the only component which is application dependent. Keywords are the words that we used to represent the test case. For example VerifyEditbox. This can be used to represent the test case: Verify whether the Edit box is accepting the entered text.
2) Test Driver. This contains the scripts to drive the test. Usually it will contain the code for taking keywords one by one from the data table and call respective subroutines for each keyword using the Switch case statement.
3) Common Function Library. This contains all the common functions that are needed to test any application।

Data Driven Framework
It's an application specific Automation Framework . These scripts can be recorded or written manually and modify it by replacing input values with variables. Input values can be written in Data table / Excel sheet. Test Driver in this case contains the scripts to drive the application with external data written in Data tables / Excel Sheet.