Cause -
Understanding the SSL Protocols and certificates used by a website.
Solution -
To identify the type of SSL and certs used on a web server, type the following commands from a Loadrunner client workstation :
  • Go to the Loadrunner/bin directory.
  • Type "openssl", this will then display an >openssl prompt.
  • Type "s_client - connect" where is your web site.
This will then return details of the web servers SSL configuration.
Other usefull commands to use in LoadRunner Web protocol scripts are as follows:
web_set_sockets_option("SHUTDOWN_MODE", "FAST");
Allows the disconnection of the SSL session to be completed quickly.
web_set_sockets_option("SSL_VERSION", "TLS");
web_set_sockets_option("SSL_CIPHER_LIST", "RC4-MD5");
These options allow the version and cipher for SSL to be specified. Possible versions and ciphers are detailed in the Loadrunner Function Reference.
This option will detail all SSL IO in the normal vuser log.
This option will detail the version and certificate used in the SSL configuration.
This option disables the initial Basic authentication.

  1. Unknown October 19, 2014 at 11:11 PM  

    These functions are needed for 10 to 15 scripts . How do i add them globally for all the scripts ?