Solution -
Procedure for checking LR Protocols used in Performance tests.
  • A copy of the LoadRunner 8.1.2 Analysis tool installed
  • Copies of all project analysis results files used as evidence for the formal Test Completion Report
  • Copies of all the scripts used in the performance test (0ptional, but recommended)
Available Test Scripts
If the test scripts are available, open each up with the LR Vugen tool and make a note of the protocol used, Note the name of the script, which is matched against the script groups and numbers of vusers in the scenarios in the next step.
Available Results file
Open a LoadRunner Analysis file in the Analysis tool
From the “File” menu select “View Scenario Runtime Settings
Highlight each script and note the protocol options in the bottom left hand pane. If a specific type of option is stated, it is then possible to assume the following match.
Sample RTS options for protocols as follows:
  • Internet Protocol                   =          Web (Http/Https) protocol
  • Citrix                                   =          Citix protocol
  • Web Services Toolkit            =          Web Services
  • RTE                                    =          RTE Terminal Emulation
  • Oracle                                 =          ? (no specific entry in the RTS)
  • Oracle NCA                          =          Oracle Web Applications 11i
 Note that there may be more than one of these options present in the RTS (Run Time Settings), this indicates multiprotocol scripts, e.g (Internet protocol and Citrix, would indicate a multiprotocol web/citrix script)
Note the number of vusers assigned to each script.
Calculate the maximum number of vusers used for each protocol during your performance testing.